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Explore an island
If you want to experience summer like a local, spend some time on an island. For the most part, the islands below are places to avoid crowds and see a beautiful part of Maine. I have only picked three islands to describe but there are many more.
Damariscove Island
Located a few miles off the coast of Boothbay, Damariscove is only accessible if the weather is right. However, Damariscove is a beautiful island, steeped in history. Here you might be greeted by the caretaker, someone hired seasonally by the Boothbay Harbor Land Trust to steward the island. There is one private residence on the island located in an old Coast Guard station. The rest of the island is filled with low-lying hedges with paths cut through for access.

Burnt Island
Located just south of the no-wake zone of Boothbay Harbor, Burnt Island has a lighthouse facing the Southern entrance to Boothbay Harbor. Burnt is the busiest of all the islands listed here but it's a beauty. The light is situated on a hill which provides one of the best views of Boothbay Harbor. Occasionally the Lighthouse will staff volunteers and open to the public. This is, for proximity's sake a super easy stop.

Seguin Island
Located at the mouth of the Kennebec River, Seguin is a difficult spot to get to and you need to be ready for a hike. Seguin provides courtesy moorings which are spots to tie the boat to but there is no dock. We need to bring a row boat to go ashore. Once ashore it’s a major hike to the top where the caretakers will let you into the lighthouse and even up to the light which makes all the trouble completely worth it.